MATLAB: Is it possible to run a MEX file from the same code that generates it using MATLAB Coder

coder.extrinsicmatlab codermex

I am converting a subset of MATLAB files from a GUI into MEX files. I want to provide the user the option to run the original MATLAB files or the MEX files once they have been generated. I imagined that the user could select which they would like to from the GUI.
There are a number of ways to go about this, but I thought that the following would be the least "bulky" in terms of code: using the same MATLAB file to either a) generate a MEX function, b) run the MATLAB code, or c) run the MEX code. Below is a code example of how I thought to implement this.
function output = my_func(input1, input2, code_flag, matlab_flag)
% skip coding out the mex function
if code_flag == 1 || matlab_flag == 1
% if coding out using codegen or running original MATLAB code
% output the sum of the inputs
output = input1 + input2;
% run the mex file and return its output
output = my_func_mex(input1, input2, code_flag, matlab_flag);
The call to generate the MEX function would be done outside of this file using the following command:
codegen my_func -args {coder.typeof(0, [1, 5], [0, 0]), coder.typeof(0, [1, 5], [0, 0]), 1, 1}
I am able to compile the code and build the MEX function, but if I try to run my_func with the flags set to false, i.e. run the MEX version, MATLAB crashes. Why? Is what I am trying to do not possible? If not possible, why?

Best Answer

It is is the corrected function code to do so.
function output = my_func(input1, input2, run_matlab)
if run_matlab == 1 ||'MEX')
% if coding out using codegen or running original MATLAB code
% output the sum of the inputs
output = input1 + input2;
% run the mex file and return its output
output = my_func_mex(input1, input2, run_matlab);
The call to codegen in the question remains the same.