MATLAB: Is it possible to rotate the data inside each cell of a cell array

cell arraycell arraysMATLABmatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulationrot90rotation

I have a cell array containing a matrix inside of each cell. I need to rotate the matrices. I have already found the rot90 command which works fine for the individual matrix oor for rotating the cells of a cell array. My query is, is it possible to rotate each of the matrices without doing it individually?
I was looking at using cellfun to attempt to do this
cellfun(rot90(finishCell{k}, 3));
This appears to manipulate the cells of the cell array and not the data inside

Best Answer

C = cellfun(@rot90,C,'uni',0)
creates a copy of C, such that the double size of memory is required temporarily, a loop creates the duplicates one after the other:
for iC = 1:numel(C)
C{iC} = rot90(C{iC});
This might avoid the memory problems.