MATLAB: Is it possible to put upper and lower bounds using nlgreyest

boundsnlgreyestSystem Identification Toolbox

I'm using nlgreyest command to estimate parameters of a grey-box model and using different types of search methods, like "lsqnonlin" (Trust region reflective algorithm provided by the Optimization Toolbox) and "lm" (Levenberg-Marquardt least squares search).
Considering the lsqnonlin method, I saw that it is possible to input upper and lower bounds, but I can't seem to find it in nlgreyest options set. Is it possible to do it?
I'm asking this because there are variables that must be >=0 and I would like to search for answers that respect this restriction. If I can't set upper and lower bounds, is there any other way to look at this problem using nlgreyest?
Best regards,
Rodrigo Pereira de Sousa

Best Answer

You set the bounds on the parameters in the idnlgrey model. Refer -
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