MATLAB: Is it possible to put an if statement into a for loops counter

condition statement in for loop counternested while loops

I need a counter that stops at one of two values, which ever is reached first.
for r=1: (if statement here)
for c=1: (if statement here)
do things
I've tried achieving what I need with two nested while loops:
while r < r1 && r < r2
while r < r1 && r < r2
if condition
but the first while loop just counts through all it's iterations and then moves onto the 2nd while loop, rather than counting once then moving into the 2nd while loop until that condition is met.

Best Answer

"need a counter that stops at one of two values, which ever is reached first."
while r < r1 && r < r2
while r < r1 && r < r2
This doesn't need a nested loop or any other exotic IF cases, simply
for r=initialCount:min(r1,r2)
If r1,r2 can change inside the loop, then you need a while construct instead because the for iteration limits are set on entry to the construct and not altered even if the variables are.
>> r1=3;
>> for r=1:r1
disp([r r1])
if r==1, r1=5; end
1 3
2 5
3 5
As you can see, the loop only ran 3 iterations, not 5.
Also see
doc break % to terminate a loop
It can, of course, be included in an if construct that is a complex as needed on any variables needed.