MATLAB: Is it possible to plot a curve fitting object in semi log scale

curve fittingCurve Fitting Toolboxlogplotsemisemilogx

Long story short, I have a curve fitting session that I want to plot in semi log scale (x). I generated the code from the curve fitting session and tried several things, all of them failed:
  • Trying to replace "plot" by "semilogx" returns:
Error using semilogx
Conversion to double from cfit is not possible.
  • Trying to use "set(get(h,'Parent'),'YScale','log');" returned almost the same error:
Error using set
Conversion to double from cell is not possible.
So other than extracting the function/coefficients and recreating it myself, is there any other way?

Best Answer

So other than extracting the function/coefficients and recreating it myself, is there any other way?
Not clear what delimits "extracting" for you. You can always evaluate the fit over some domain using the fit object's feval() method and then plot the evalauted data using any conventional plot command. To my mind, that doesn't involve recreating the function in any way, just evaluating it directly.