MATLAB: Is it possible to place format specifier in figure window tittle of uitable

format specifieruitable

I want to add a title on my uitable with this code. But it did not work.
for n = 1:total
f(i) = figure('Position',[00+(i*150) 200 510 300],'Name','Unit %d', n);
t(n) = uitable(f(n));
t(n).ColumnName = {'State','X MW','P(X)','(X-C) MW','P(X-C)','P(X)'};
t(n).Data = Data;
t(n).Position(3) = t(n).Extent(3);
t(n).Position(4) = t(n).Extent(4);

Best Answer

f(i) = figure('Position',[00+(i*150) 200 510 300],'Name', sprintf('Unit %d', n));