MATLAB: Is it possible to modify sudoku.m so that it counts how many times has called itself

sudoku recursive

I am reading Mr Cleve Moler's book about Matrix Experiments,
in chapter 18 there is sudoku.m
that automates 9×9 sudokus. Just starting the exercises, one of the questions is to count how long does it take to solve different sudokus.
I would like to count the amount of times that sudoku.m calls itself, I have tried to modify
X=sudoku(X,..) to [X,counter2]=sudoku(X,..,counter1)
but all my attempts return errors like counter2 not updated or too many inputs.
The attached function completes solving the sudoku but I don't know how to implement a counter of the times sudoku.m recurs.
Thanks for time and attention

Best Answer

I'm not going to download the book or the sudoku.m file. Instead, here's an example called john_sudoku() with a recursive sub-function called minusOne(). I've implemented a counter for the number of times minusOne recurses. You can use this approach in your problem.
function [finalValue,counterOut] = john_sudoku(value)
% This function subtracts 1 from value repeatedly until 0 or
% negative value is reached. The final value is returned along with
% the recursion count.
counterIn = 0;
if value>0,
[finalValue,counterOut] = minusOne(value,counterIn);
finalValue = value;
counterOut = counterIn;
function [b,counterOut] = minusOne(a,counterIn)
a = a-1; % perform function operation
counterIn = counterIn+1; % increment counter
% test if recursion is needed
if a>0,
% recurse
[b,counterOut] = minusOne(a,counterIn);
% solution found - assign output values
b = a;
counterOut = counterIn;
Calling the function with an initial value of 10 returns a final value of 0 and a counter value of 10, since 1 was subtracted 10 times to reach 0.
[finalValue,counterOut] = john_sudoku(10)
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