MATLAB: Is it possible to merge to graphs in one figure from two m files

bvp4cdifferential equationsgraphivpMATLABnumerical analysisodeode45plotshooting method

I have a code implementing shooting method to solve 4 ODEs
I have saved in two different files, one is by using solver 'bvp4c' and the other is by solver 'ode45'
Now is it possible to merge the two graphs in one figure each from these two m files

Best Answer

Yes, it is possible and there are many ways of doing it depending on the type of graphics object you have in the figure. Here is a sketch in which a line is copied from one axes to another using copyobj()
f1 = figure;
ax1 = axes(f1);
s1 = scatter(rand(1,100), rand(1,100));
f2 = figure;
ax2 = axes(f2);
l2 = plot(0:0.1:1, (0:0.1:1).^2);
copyobj(l2, ax1)
This will give you a general idea. To get a more concrete example, please share the type of graphic objects you have.
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