MATLAB: Is it possible to invoke a method in a Java class that accepts variable number of input arguments in MATLAB 7.7(R2008b)


Here is the sample Java code that accepts variable number of arguments:
public class TestVarArgs {
// calculate average of numbers of type 'double'
public static double average( double... numbers )
double total = 0.0; // initialize total
for ( double d : numbers )
total += d;
return total / numbers.length;
// calculate average of numbers of type 'Double'
public static Double averageD( Double... numbers )
Double total = 0.0;
for ( Double d : numbers )
total += d;
return total / numbers.length;
When I try to invoke any of the above methods in MATLAB as follows:
a = TestVarArgs
a.averageD(java.lang.Double(23), java.lang.Double(34))
I get the following errors respectively:
??? No method 'average' with matching signature found for
class 'VarargsTest'.
??? No method 'averageD' with matching signature found for class

Best Answer

The ability to directly use Java methods that accept variable number of input arguments using the Java 5 syntax is not available in MATLAB.
To work around this issue, we can provide 'arrays' of the input argument type as follows:
% invoke the method that accepts variable number of native 'double' type
a = TestVarArgs;
numbers = [2,3,4,5]
numbers = [2,3];
%invoke the method that accepts variable number of class 'Double' type:
numbersD= javaArray('java.lang.Double',3)
numbersD(1)= java.lang.Double(10);
numbersD(2)= java.lang.Double(20);
numbersD(3)= java.lang.Double(30);