MATLAB: Is it possible to import data vectors containing NaN values using ‘From Workspace’ block in Simulink 7.4 (R2009b)


While importing data vectors containing NaN values using 'From Workspace' block in Simulink 7.4, I receive the following error:
Invalid matrix-format variable specified as workspace input in 'ModelName/From Workspace'.

Best Answer

In order to import data vectors containing NaN values using the 'From Workspace' block, you need to use 'Simulink.Timeseries' objects.
The attached data file 'Data.mat' contains a Simulink.Timeseries object 'Mydata' which has some of its data values defined to be NaN. The associated model "test_WS" depicts how the 'From Workspace' block with its 'Data' field set to 'Mydata' can import those NaN values and still be able to execute without any errors.