MATLAB: Is it possible to implement nonlinear arx in nonlinear mpc

MATLABModel Predictive Control Toolboxmpcnonlinear arxnonlinear mpcsimulink

I understand that MATLAB allows the use of nonlinear prediction model in mpc by specifying the state and output functions. For nonlinear ARX, its states are "an ordered list of delayed input and output variables that define the structure of the model regressors" ( So, if my nonlinear ARX has three regressors (y(t-1), y(t-2) and u(t-1)), is what I'm doing here correct where I set the state function as equals to x(1:3) and output function as equals to x(4):

Best Answer

Hi, it is my understanding that you are trying to use nonlinear ARX model for prediction model within Nonlinear MPC Simulink in Matlab.
The prediction model inside the nonlinear MPC must be a linear or nonlinear state & output functions of the form specified here: