MATLAB: Is it possible to have a simulink model and run a co simulation using the model along with verilog either user created or from the HDL Coder

HDL CoderHDL Verifiersimulationsimulinkverilog

I am looking to use the HDL Coder to create verilog from a simulink model but my question is, can this sumlink model be simulated along side the verilog?
I ask as I want to create the overall model of the system using Simulink and then code the system myself in verilog but I want to make sure the verilog I create matches what was expected from the Simulink model.
Thanks, Chris

Best Answer

Yes. The HDL Verifier tool allows cosimulation between Simulink and HDL code. This code can be generated by HDL Coder, or it can be handwritten code, or a combination of the two.
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