MATLAB: Is it possible to force the Stateflow 8.0 (R2012b) chart to reset to the state connected to the default transition


I have a Stateflow chart that can be viewed as a chain of states. The first time the chart is called a default transition enters "State 0". At the next time step the chart moves to a proceeding state based on input values.
I would like to have the ability to force my chart to return to "State 0" based on the value of an input. Can this be done without drawing individual transitions from each state back to "State 0"?

Best Answer

One design that can be used to do this is to enclose the chain of states within a parent state. Then create another parent state that is entered based on the reset condition. Please see the attached examples "chainChart" and "chainChart_reset" for a demonstration of how this can be done. The model "chainChart" does not contain any reset logic, "chainChart_reset" includes logic for resetting to "State 0".