MATLAB: Is it possible to detect when a gui moves to the background

detect when a gui moves to the backgroundguigui to backgroundreload gui

Hello all,
I use one main-gui for entering parameters when a sub-gui does calculations in the background.
Is it possible to detect when a gui moves to the background? And if so how do I program my sub-gui to reload variables when this happens?
An user has the ability to click on the minimize button or just click on a different gui.
When the user reopens the sub-gui I need the value’s to reset.
Ingreadients.Suger =3;
Ingreadients.flour = 1;
Open subgui
%show output:
Ingreadients.Suger =3;
Ingreadients.flour = 1;
*click on main window in the back
%change value's
Ingreadients.Suger =50;
Ingreadients.flour = 4;
*click on subgui *this is when it goes wrong and the gui uses the wrong data.
%show output
Ingreadients.Suger =3;
Ingreadients.flour = 1;
this happens cause the users dont "restart" the sub-gui so I want the sub-gui to restart everytime it has been to the background.
Or a method that forces an user to close the sub-gui before he/she can click anywere else. Like when an error message pops up you have to pres "ok" before you can continue any other operation
Regards, Nick

Best Answer

There is no documented method to achieve this, but an undocumented one:
FigH = gcf; drawnow;
jFrame = get(handle(FigH), 'JavaFrame');
jProx = jFrame.fFigureClient.getWindow;
jProx = jFrame.fHG1Client.getWindow;
set(jProx, 'WindowLostFocusCallback', {@figLostFocus, FigH});
function figLostFocus(jProx, EventData, FigH)
disp(clock) % Dummy for testing
Is is recommended to set this into a TRY/CATCH-Block and simply a useful error message, when it fails. The shown method might fail in future Matlab version as all undocumented features.
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