MATLAB: Is it possible to delete a line from a text file where a specific string exists


I'm trying to delete a line from a text file where the inputted word exists. For instance, my text file contains the following
10-D-0343 14.01.10 04-Apr-2016
11-W-282 14.21.50 04-Apr-2016
01-D-5693 14.58.40 04-Apr-2016
and I input the string 10-D-0343. How can I delete the whole line or even the 2 strings that follow it? So i would get
11-W-282 14.21.50 04-Apr-2016
01-D-5693 14.58.40 04-Apr-2016

Best Answer

M={'10-D-0343' '14.01.10' '04-Apr-2016'
'11-W-282' '14.21.50' '04-Apr-2016'
'01-D-5693' '14.58.40' '04-Apr-2016'}