MATLAB: Is it possible to create a sub-array without using additional memory on Matlab

MATLABmemorymexmex compiler

Well, I am trying to implement an algorithm on Matlab. It requires the usage of a slice of an high dimensional array inside a for loop. When I try to use the logical indexing, Matlab creates an additional copy of that slice and since my array is huge, it takes a lot of time.
slice = x(startInd:endInd);
What I am trying to do is to use that slice without copying it. I just need the slice data to input a linear operator. I won't update that part during the iterations.
To do so, I tried to write a Mex file whose output is a double type array and whose size is equal to the intended slice data size.
plhs[0] = mxCreateUninitNumericMatrix(0, 0, mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxREAL); % initialize but do not allocate any additional memory
ptr1 = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); % get the pointer of the input data
Then set the pointer of the output to the starting index of the input data.
mxSetPr(plhs[0], ptr1+startInd);
mxSetM(plhs[0], 1);
mxSetN(plhs[0], (endInd-startInd)); % Update the dimensions as intended
When I set the starting index to be zero, it just works fine. When I try to give other values than 0, Mex file compiles with no error but Matlab crashes when the Mex function is called.
slice = mex_slicer(x, startInd, endInd);
What might be the problem here?
ps: when doing logical indexing, it creates the index array of 'size = size([startInd:endInd])'. So, what I try to do here is a bit of hacking. Just give the pointer to a memory place where I know what exists and tell how many elements to obtain after that memory. I don't want to create any index array, too. (size of the index array in the order of 2 millions).

Best Answer

Bruno Luong has implemented an inplace slice: See, especially the function inplacesolumnmex.c . It worked fluently in my tests, but in the debug mode working with the temporary arrays let Matlab crash tremendously. Therefore I do not use it in productive code.
It might be easier to provide the complete array together with the indices:
slice = {x, startInd, endInd};
Then you x is created as shared data copy, such that no additional memory is used (except for the about 100 bytes for the header). Then the provided information should be enough to access the data inplace - as long as the contents of x is not changed. Of course you have to modify the functions to consider this type of object. But this should be less hard than fighting with Matlab's memory manager and the effects of shared data copies.