MATLAB: Is it possible to create a colormap of an “image”

colorcolorizationcolormapgrayscaleimageimage analysisimage processingrgbvideo processing

Hello, Is it possible to create a colormap of a rgb image for using colorization other grayscale images with that image's colormap please?
Here is the code i've used. I was able to take colormap of the image but, it does not work for another images it colorizes other images just like a rainbow:
RGB = imread('image.jpg');
[X,map] = rgb2ind(RGB,65536);
figure, image(X), colormap(map)
axis off
axis image
alinancmap1 = get(gcf,'Colormap');
Thanks for your answers. Respectfully Yours, abarairenji

Best Answer

No that won't work. There is no relation between the gray level and the color that objects should be in the color version of the image. A certain gray level could be any of millions of different colors, so if you just pick one arbitrarily (based on another image), of course it won't look right. You can color match two RGB image ( but you can't make all gray scale images in the world look like their original true color source image based on the color map of one RGB image.