MATLAB: Is it possible to connect to a UDP multicast using the Instrument Control Toolbox 2.2 (R14SP2)

dataictInstrument Control Toolboxjavamexmultiplesockettransferwrapper

I would like to make a connection to UDP multicast using the Instrument Control Toolbox 2.2 (R14SP2).

Best Answer

The ability to connect to a UDP multicast is not available in the Instrument Control Toolbox 2.2 (R14SP2).
As a workaround to connect to a UDP multicast, you can do the following:
1. Use a Java multicast socket to access it directly from MATLAB. For more information, see javadoc or tutorials for the "core" classes from Sun, specifically " ". This could be found at:
Information on using Java with MATLAB in the 'External Interfaces' section of the MATLAB documentation can be accessed by typing the following command at the MATLAB command prompt:
2. Write your own functions in C that use standard sockets and have a MEX wrapper call those functions. You can find more information on MEX-files at: