MATLAB: Is it possible to connect Thermal Liquid blocks to SimHydraulics blocks in MATLAB R2016b

fluidsimhydraulicsSimscapeSimscape Fluidsthermal

I am currently using blocks from Simscape Thermal Liquid library and am wondering if I can connect them to isothermal (SimHydraulics) blocks, so that I can construct models with both thermal and isothermal elements. Is that possible?

Best Answer

You cannot directly connect Thermal Liquid and SimHydraulics blocks, as they belong to different domains. However, you can use a Fluid Network Interface block to construct models that include both thermal and isothermal components, or for more complex situations, it is possible to create custom Simscape domains, as detailed below.
The most straightforward solution is to use the "TL-IL Interface block", which provides a junction between the thermal liquid and isothermal liquid (SimHydraulics) networks. You can find more information on this block in the documentation at the following link:
You may also find the following component overview of Simscape Fluids for most applications to be useful:
Another possibility could be to implement a custom domain using the Simscape language. For more information on custom domains in Simscape, please refer to the following links:
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