MATLAB: Is it possible to connect a battery model to a solar pv system and see the charging and discharging of the battery


Hi .. I am doing my project on Hybrid( PV array with Fuel Cell systems) Renewable Sources with storage . When i am using a battery model I dont know how to connect it to a variable load.
How to design a variable DC load of say 1 KW to 5 KW?
How to connect two power sources delivering V+ and V- outputs together ?( I have connected in parallel for the time being)

Best Answer

Dear Sankeerth,
You must state in your questions what kind of hybrid technologies you plan to model.
I guess that you want to model standalone PV/ battery system.
You need to create a common DC bus in order to integrate both of the system together.
After that, you may want to develop a MPPT control system in order to obtain maximum powr from PV array and also to control the charging and discharging of the battery.
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