MATLAB: Is it possible to compile “fdesign.bandpass” and “fdesign.peak” using MATLAB Compiler with MATLAB R2013b or R2014a

compilererrorfdesign.bandpassfdesign.peakMATLABMATLAB Compiler

I have an application that has the function "fdesign.bandpass". When I compile the application in MATLAB R2013b or R2014a, it compiles fine but I get an error when I try to execute the compiled component. What can be the reasons for it?

Best Answer

This is because the the functions like  "fdesign.bandpass", "fdesign.peak" are not compatible to be compiled in MATLAB R2013b or MATLAB R2014a. The error occurs because the entire "spcuddutils" class has been excluded from compilation. Thus the functions that use the functionality from this class would compile fine but will result in an error when you try to execute the compiled component. 
As a workaround, these function can be compiled and executed using MATLAB R2014b.