MATLAB: Is it possible to combine two structures saved in two different .mat files

arrayfile combinationmatMATLABstructure

I have two structures, both named 'data' with 17 same fields. They are basically measured data of two different dates, and I would like two combine these two. In order words, what I want is:
First .mat file: data = 1 x 85 struct array with 17 fields.
Second .mat file: data = 1 x 15 struct array with 17 fields.
Combined .mat file: data = 1 x 100 struct array with 17 fields.
If possible, I would like to avoid writing a script and rather use GUI. I also think it is possible two combine the two structures by loading both files (renaming one of them). I also would like to avoid this method.

Best Answer

Look at this example
c=[a b]
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