MATLAB: Is it possible to change the default parameters in the untitled window in Simulink


When I open a new untitled Simulink model window, the default solver is set to 'ode45' and the output time 'tout' and output values 'yout' are saved to the MATLAB workspace.
I would like to change this setting so that I use a different solver and not save 'tout' or 'yout' to the MATLAB workspace.

Best Answer

In order to change the default settings of the untitled model window upon starting Simulink, you need to edit the 'startup.m' file.
If you would like to change the solver from the default 'ode45' solver to 'ode113', and not save 'tout' or 'yout', you can enter the following command in the 'startup.m' file.
In the above command, '0' indicates the default untitled window. For more information on 'startup.m' file, refer to the following documentation link in Simulink 7.4 (R2009b).
web([docroot '/techdoc/matlab_env/f8-4994.html#brlkmbe-1'])