MATLAB: Is it possible to change color for the plot function in opticalFlow class

Computer Vision Toolboxopticalflowopticalflow.plot

The plot function in opticalFlow class ( see here ) has three name-value pair arguments. I assumed other regular plot arguments would work too but obviously they don't. I tried to use 'color' unsuccessfully.
I plan to superimpose the plots on images and the current blue color is hardly visible… So my question is: is there any way to change the color of this plot?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, this can't be done directly. You need to find a handle to the underlying quiver plot and modify it. Here's some code to help you:
% Compute and plot optic flow
opflow = opticalFlow(randn(100,100),randn(100,100));
plot(opflow,'DecimationFactor',[10 10],'ScaleFactor',10);
% Find quiver handle
q = findobj(gca,'type','Quiver');
% Change color to red
q.Color = 'r';