MATLAB: Is it possible to call a matlab file from linux code script

linuxMATLAB Compilerputty

Is it possible to call a matlab file from linux code script?
I created .m files on Windows; however, I am using PuTTY on Windows in order to write code in the Linux environment. I would like to call matlab files from within the code.
Would the best solution be to compile the .m files into a standalone application? Or is there a linux command that can call the files?

Best Answer

One way or the other, you will need MATLAB on your Linux box. Assuming your MATLAB code is visible to Linux as well, you can use
matlab -r "command"
to run from the Linux command line; there is more information about startup flags here.
You could use MATLAB Compiler to avoid needing MATLAB on Linux goign forward, but you would still need MATLAB installed on Linux to perform the compilation -- you cannot cross-compile from Windows to Linux using MATLAB Compiler.