MATLAB: Is it possible to brush data on a plot and have it assigned to a variable immediatly after brushing instead of having to save it manually

brushingplottingsaving data

I would like to plot data, once plotted I would be directed to brush the data I want to use. Following the brush I would like to click the enter key and have code in matlab to save what I brushed without me having to do it manually.

Best Answer

Hi Calabrese,
There is no in-built functionality to do this in MATLAB, but there a few potential workarounds that you could look into:
1) This function on File Exchange has a lot of interesting functionality that other users have found helpful and recommended in similar use cases.
2) Adding a function to the callback that executes once data is brushed. (This callback is called ActionPostCallback.)
3) Adding some sort of event-listener to a property, such as the example here.
I hope this helps!