MATLAB: Is it possible to bring “grid on” to the front of a figure

figuregrid onMATLAB

Dear all,
Normally when I use the grid on it appears behind my figure, but I need to bring it on my figure. Is it possible? I searched and found a code to burn a grid into an image but here I have a figure.
Here is my figure:
And this the summarized code to generate it:
S = shaperead ('country_Boundary.shp');
lon = S.X;
lat = S.Y;
plot(lon, lat, '-k')
grid on
Thank you for any suggestions.

Best Answer

By default, all plotted objects are rendered on top of the axis (including axis lines, grid lines, etc). You can reverse that by modifying the layer property:
set(gca, 'layer', 'top');