MATLAB: Is it possible to analyze the data in the plot window (with the mouse cursor) like in this link


Is it possible to analyze my data in my plot window (with my mouse cursor to get some specific values) like in this link? ->
Input_Matrix = textread('Rainflow_Input1.txt')
x = Input_Matrix(:,1)
y = Input_Matrix(:,2)
z = Input_Matrix(:,3)
colorbar('location','Manual', 'position', [0.93 0.1 0.02 0.81]);
az = 0;
el = 90;
view(az, el);
%scatter3(x,y,z,'filled')%Problem i dont know to make it filled
view(0,90)% view from above !!!
a = 30;%markersize
scatter3(x, y, z, a, z, 'filled');
view(0, 90)