MATLAB: Is it possible to add variables to the nonlinear constraints if they are not in the objective function

fminconnonlinear constraintsobjective-functionvariables

I am using fmincon to minimize for my objective function:
objective = @(x) x(1)^2+x(2)^2;
But in my nonlinear constraints, I have three more variables: x(3), x(4) and x(5). I have four equations for coordinates (dependent on x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4) and x(5)), for which I think x(3), x(4) and x(5) can be calculated from. But as you can guess, I am not able to solve for my model so far. These are my nonlinear constraints:
function [c,ceq] = nlcon34(x)
%x(1)=wxo x(2)=wyo x(3)=vxo x(4)=vyo x(5)=vzo
%x(6)=t, is nu (-vzo*ez +/- sqrt((vzo*ez)^2-2*g*Zg))/-g, kies de -, dan
%t= (vzo*ez + sqrt((vzo*ez)^2-2*g*Zg))/g
a = 0.83; % ball factor

R = 0.1155; %radius ball
g = 9.81; %gravity

ez = 0.84; % COR

LAT = 1.5; %hoogte locatie bovenlat (weet niet precies nog)
L = 0.75/2; %width goal, from middle
xbounce = 0.7; %place where ball bounces first, with respect to x-as from mid

ybounce = 9; % waar bal stuitert tov y-as vanaf midden. y=0 op middenstip. y=7.4 m op penaltystip. y=11 m op doellijn
zg = (0:0.1:(LAT-R)); % Is this possible?
t = (x(5)*ez+sqrt((x(5)*ez)^2-(2*g*zg)))./g; % Dots in right place?
xg = (x(3)+(a*R*x(2)))*t./(1+a) + 2*x(5)*x(3)/g;
yg = (x(4)+(a*R*x(1)))*t./(1+a) + 2*x(5)*x(4)/g;
xb = 2*x(5)*x(3)/g;
yb = 2*x(5)*x(4)/g;
vabs = sqrt(x(3)^2+x(4)^2+x(5)^2);
phi = atan2(x(5),sqrt(x(3)^2+x(4)^2));
c(1) = xg - L; %xg < L
c(2) = -(xg+L); %-L < xg
c(3) = vabs-12; % v < 12
c(4) = -vabs; % v > 0. Is this necessary? If no imaginary numbers it will always be positive I guess
c(5) = phi - pi/2; % phi < pi/2
c(6) = -phi; % phi > 0
c(7) = -t; % t > 0
ceq(1) = yg - 11 - 7.4; % yg = 11 m from middle, robot at 3.6 m from goal
ceq(2) = yb - ybounce - 7.4; % yb = ybounce from mid, robot at 3.6 m from goal, yb=ybounce-7.4 from robot
ceq(3) = xb - xbounce; % bounce location in x, xb = xbounce (assuming robot on same x-line)
And with the script below I calculate fmincon. This results in a great deal of errors. I'm new to using fmincon, so there might be some obvious things that I'm missing. I was wondering if one of the problems might be that I cannot solve for x(3), x(4) and x(5) because they are not in the objective function? I have checked the "
How do I pass additional parameters to the constraint and objective functions in the Optimization Toolbox functions'
file, but I'm still not sure. I am now using some nonlinear constraints, for which some not even contain x(1) and x(2), is this possible? If not, how else can I solve for those constraints?
clear all;close all; clc
objective = @(x) x(1)^2+x(2)^2;
% initial guess (just random for now)
x0 = [20,20];
%you might see that these values are also already mentioned in the nonlinear constraints function. I'm not sure where they should be.
a = 0.83; % ball factor
R = 0.1155; %radius bal
g = 9.81; %gravity
ez = 0.84; % COR
LAT = 1.5; %height
L = 0.75/2; %width half goal
xbounce = 0.7; %place where ball bounces first, with respect to x-as from mid
ybounce = 9; % waar bal stuitert tov y-as vanaf midden. y=0 op middenstip. y=7.4 m op penaltystip. y=11 m op doellijn
% variable bounds
lb = [];
ub = [];
% show initial objective
disp(['Initial Objective: ' num2str(objective(x0))])
% linear constraints
A = [];
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
% nonlinear constraints
nonlincon = @nlcon34;
% optimize with fmincon
% = fmincon(FUN,X0,A,B,Aeq,Beq,LB,UB,NONLCON,OPTIONS)
options = optimoptions('fmincon', 'Algorithm','sqp', 'MaxIterations', 500000,'ConstraintTolerance', 1e-5, 'OptimalityTolerance', 1e-6, 'StepTolerance', 1e-12, 'MaxFunctionEvaluations', 5000);
x = fmincon(objective,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlincon,options);
% show final objective
disp(['Final Objective: ' num2str(objective(x))])
% print solution
disp(['wxo = ' num2str(x(1))])
disp(['wyo = ' num2str(x(2))])
Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Your initial guess x0=[20,20] contains only 2 elements but it should contain 5 because that is how many unknowns you have. If you make your x0 of length N, then fmincon will know your problem has N unknowns and will pass vectors of length N to the objective and the constraints as it does its iterative search. However, this does not mean that within the code for your objective or constraints you must use all N of the x(i).
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