MATLAB: Is it possible for the standalone to take benefit from a 64-bit machine if it has been compiled on a 32 bit architecture

3264bitscompilerMATLAB Compilermemoryspeed

On the following pages:
1107 – Avoiding Out of Memory Errors
1110 – Maximum Matrix Size by Platform
I read that the the process limit under 64-bit Windows XP, MAC OSX, Linux or Solaris running 32-bit MATLAB is ≤ 4GB.
But when I run my compiled application (that was compiled with 32-bit architecture) under a 32-bit MATLAB on a 64-bit windows machine. The function "feature memstats" shows a total virtual memory of 2047 MB which is the result under 32-bit architecture.

Best Answer

If you compile an application in a 32-bit architecture, the virtual memory of the compiled application doesn't take advantage of the 64-bit architecture. The total virtual memory is still the same.