MATLAB: Is it possable to plot the seperate pods of the Myo armband using the MEX Wrapper

MATLABmexmyo armbandplotting

I have been using the MEX wrapper to integrate the Myo Armband with MATLAB. Using MEX I have been able to stream the EMG, accelerometer, gyroscopic, and pose data. I can then plot all of this data nice and pretty with the plot function.
plot(emg_data.time_log, emg_data.emg_log, '-');
However, I really need to plot each EMG sensor pods separately. Is there a nice way to do this?

Best Answer

Okay I feel dumb. Found the answer myself by just inspecting the collected data. To plot the individual EMG pods you need to just reference the EMG log column. For example:
plot(emg_data.time_log, emg_data.emg_log(:,1), '-');
Where column 1 would be pod zero, 2 would be pod 1 and so on. Hope this someone else.
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