MATLAB: Is it necessary to test a neural networks with data set unseen by ANN ?


Purpose: A neural networks, when properly trianed must have ability to generalize and not behave just like a memory.
So, for me i used MLP( 7 inputs,1 ouputs, 1 hidden layer) type's of ANN with 13 years data set, i divided these data as following :
- 10 years data set to train my ANN
- 3 years unseen by ANN to test my model
My question is,can i delete this command 'net.divideparam.testRatio' since i used data unseen by ANN ????
net.divideParam.trainRatio = 75/100;
net.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100;
|net.divideParam.testRatio = 10/100; (I think this command is not necessary!!! can i delete it ??)

Best Answer

Just put all of the data into the net.
Then choose the datadivision mode and indexing that suits the problem.
Nothing more is needed.