MATLAB: Is it necessary to initialized the wieghts for retraining in matlab with nntool

MATLABneural network

i am doing a speech recognition problem; using nntool; i have found most of time that during the first attempt of training; the output is not good; so i have to retrain.
but my queries is: should i need to reinitialized the weights for retrain.
What if i don't re-initialized and train again?; actually i found better result without re-initializing.
i want to know which approach is right and why?

Best Answer

Some creation functions like newff, newfit, newpr, fitnet, patternnet and feedforwardnet are self initializing with random weights.
It is not clear if you are becoming successful by starting again with a new set of random weights or are just increasing the number epochs.
More information is needed.