MATLAB: Is geotiffread supported by matlab compiler

geotiffreadMapping ToolboxMATLAB Compiler

I am trying to compile a development using a matlab central toolbox that uses geotiffread from mapping toolbox. I do not have error during compilation but when I execute my binary it crashes when calling geotiffread. Do you have any idea? In advance thanks.

Best Answer

Yes, geotiffread is supported in MATLAB Compiler. You can check from this link and it says All command line functionality of Mapping Toolbox are supported.
I've checked by compiling the following code to standalone application.
function geotiffreadDeploy(fileName)
[boston,R] = geotiffread(fileName);
axis image off
And confirmed it works by using sample data (boston.tif).
geotiffreadDeploy.exe $MATLAB_INSTALL\toolbox\map\mapdata\boston.tif
where $MATLAB_INSTALL is installation folder of MATLAB.
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