MATLAB: Is fitnet(10) not working

curve fittingMATLABneural networktoolbox

I have some troubles using the neural network toolbox for my internship at BASF. I am using a Matlab distribution licensed for BASF – no student license. The neural network toolbox is included. When I use the fitnet function (e.g. fitnet(10)) I receive the following error:
"Undefined function or variable 'network'.
Error in feedforwardnet>create_network (line 101) net = network;
Error in feedforwardnet (line 69) net = create_network(param);
Error in fitnet>create_network (line 98) net = feedforwardnet(param.hiddenSizes,param.trainFcn);
Error in fitnet (line 70) net = create_network(param);"
I already deleted some shadow mse:
">> which -all mse C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnperformance\mse.m"
The version of the toolbox is recent, so no need to update.
But the problem is still there. Could you help me about that ?
Best regards, Jan

Best Answer

is enough of example code for a start. Please check licensing and installation first:
license('test', 'neural_network_toolbox')
Should return:
ans =
And the result of the "ver" command should have a line like this:
Neural Network Toolbox Version 8.2.1 (R2014b)