MATLAB: Is External Mode Real Time Windows Target not supported for 64-bit machines and why does Simulink Coder 8.2PR (R2012a) crash when I use the External Mode Real Time Windows Target

externalmoderealsimulink codertargettimewindows

When I use the External Mode of the Real Time Windows Target it crashes.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2012b (R2012b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
External Mode with a 64-bit Windows platform is supported beginning with Real-Time Windows Target 4.1 (R2012b).
The fact that External Mode was not supported on 64-bit Windows was a
temporary limitation. The fact that an attempt to use External Mode from 64-bit Windows can lead to a crash is a Prerelease bug and the development team was working towards fixing it in as early R2012a general release, so that there is a proper error message instead of a MATLAB crash.