MATLAB: Is ‘eig’ slower for tridiagonalized matrices

eig; hess

Consider the list of commands below:
>> A = gallery('poisson', 60);
>> tic; [V,D] = eig(full(A)); toc
Elapsed time is 16.074685 seconds.
>> B = hess(full(A)); tic; [V,D] = eig(B); toc
Elapsed time is 28.709543 seconds.
Why does 'eig' take longer on the tridiagonalized version of A ?
This behaviour occurs with other matrices. I'm running MATLAB R2011b.

Best Answer

Hello Douglas,
The brief answer is that it isn't anymore. In R2013a, there was an improvement in the handling of tridiagonalized matrices in "eig". Testing on my computer in R2011b and R2015b, I get:
eig(full(A)) - ~9 seconds
eig(B) - ~14.5 seconds
eig(full(A)) - ~3.7 seconds
eig(B) - ~0.6 seconds
I would recommend upgrading to the latest version of MATLAB, if you are able to.
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