MATLAB: Is corr/corrcoef returning NaNs


I have 2 vectors that I would like to correlate with one another: OptimismBias and AmbigTolG (listing the first 10 values out of 248).
-0.0263 0.0000
0.7971 0.0000
-0.2800 -0.0000
0.4088 0.0000
0.6691 0.0000
0.5348 NaN
0.2606 0.0000
0.6995 NaN
-0.3270 0.0000
0.4665 0.0139
When I run the corr, I get all NaNs at the output. I'm aware that the AmbigTolG values are 0 or close to 0 but I'm not sure how else to run this.

Best Answer

You can use
corr(OptimismBias, AmbigTolG, 'rows', 'complete')
to ignore the NaN values.
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