MATLAB: Is ‘BOOL’ datatype of initializer not supported by importONNXLayers in R2019a


Then I try to load it, but it fails:
>> layers = importONNXLayers('ssd_mobilenet.onnx','OutputLayerType','classification','ImportWeights',true)
Error using nnet.internal.cnn.onnx.translateONNX>getInitializerData (line 347)
The datatype of initializer 'Postprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/pred_id/_174__cf__177:0' ('BOOL') is not supported yet.
Why is 'BOOL' datatype of initializer not supported by importONNXLayers?

Best Answer

This is currently not supported. The development team is aware of this and they may improve the functionality of "importONNXNetwork" and "importONNXLayers" in a future MATLAB release such that this datatype of initializer is supported.