MATLAB: Is Beagleboard supported in releases prior to Simulink 7.9 (R2012a)


I would like to program my Beagleboard using Simulink and I would like to know if it is supported in previous releases.

Best Answer

Beagleboard is supported in R2016a and previous MathWorks releases. It is recommended to move to the latest release if at all possible, as that will generally be the most capable and robust offering from MathWorks.
Feature information:
As of R2012a, Simulink provides built-in support for the BeagleBoard xM.
Feature information:
>R2012a Simulink Support Package for BeagleBoard Hardware:
This capability is expected to be functional for Beagleboard Rev Bx/Cx.
A utility to install support packages for target hardware was introduced in R2012a:
>> targetinstaller
R2011b, R2011a:
Windows host
o Product required: Embedded Coder
o Ability to target Beagleboard included with Embedded Coder
o Support includes ALSA audio blocks and UDP blocks
o No V4L2 video blocks available
o Does not require a cross-compiler. The generated code is transferred to the Beagleboard and compiled on the hardware.
Linux host
o Product required: Embedded Coder
o Ability to target Beagleboard included with Embedded Coder (doc link)
o Support includes ALSA audio blocks and UDP blocks
o Requires cross-compiler toolchain. The generated code is compiled on the host and transferred to the Beagleboard.
o BeagleBoard –Bx/Cx/xM
o SD card with Angstrom Linux distribution and gcc toolchain
Windows host
o Products required: Embedded Coder, Target Support Package
o Ability to target Beagleboard requires a separate downloadable package which only supports R2010b:
o Support includes ALSA audio, V4L2 video, and UDP blocks
o Does not require a cross-compiler. The generated code is transferred to the Beagleboard and compiled on the hardware.
Linux host
o Products required: Embedded Coder, Target Support Package
o Ability to target Beagleboard included with Embedded Coder (doc link)
o No ALSA audio or V4L2 video blocks available
o UDP blocks available
o Requires cross-compiler toolchain. The generated code is compiled on the host and transferred to the Beagleboard.
o BeagleBoard –Bx/Cx/xM
o SD card with Angstrom Linux distribution and gcc toolchain
No Windows host support
Linux host
o Products required: Embedded Coder, Target Support Package
o Ability to target Beagleboard included with Embedded Coder
o No ALSA audio or V4L2 video blocks available
o Requires cross-compiler toolchain. The generated code is compiled on the host and transferred to the Beagleboard.
o BeagleBoard –Bx/Cx/xM
o SD card with Angstrom Linux distribution and gcc toolchain
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