MATLAB: Is AUTOSAR.Signal missing from the “Customize class lists” pane of the signal properties dialog

AUTOSAR Blockset

Why is AUTOSAR.Signal missing from the "Customize class lists" pane of the signal properties dialog?
I recently upgraded my model from R2016b to R2019a. Some of my signals have "AUTOSAR.Signal" for their "Signal object class", but when I refresh the custom class list, "AUTOSAR.Signal" does not appear.

Best Answer

We encourage you not to use AUTOSAR related objects in the model explorer and the signal property dialog.
What this means is that the disappearance of the AUTOSAR object from the "Customize class lists" dialog is currently intentional behavior.
To expand on that a little, in R2019a we do not emphasize these AUTOSAR-specific data objects in Simulink since they are no longer needed to achieve the mapping between AUTOSAR attributes and Simulink signals/parameters. The new way to do this is via Code Mapping:
Code Mapping allows you to keep your data specification (Simulink.Parameter) separate from your code specification (AUTOSAR Dictionary). One benefit of this is that it enables you to reuse models across code platforms like "ert.tlc" and "autosar.tlc". 
If there is a specific reason why you need to use "AUTOSAR.Signal" in the model explorer or the signal properties dialog, please contact MathWorks Technical Support and we will be happy to record your use case for our development team.