MATLAB: Is a possible way to have the name of x axis in spanish

axisdatetimematlabr2019amonthtagxx axis

Hello everybody, thank you so much for reading me, i hope all of you have a wonderful day, my question is.. it is a possible way to put the name of "x" axis of the months in spanish? or.. even put like manual? is possible? how?
Thank you so much !!! best
numData = xlsread('solar2.xlsx','EneDicS')
Rad = numData(:,1);
Dia = numData(:,2);
tEnersol=readtable('solar2.xlsx','sheet','EneDics'); % read into a table object
tEnersol.Properties.VariableNames={'Rad','Dia'}; % assign variable names
yr=2014; % need the proper year
tEnersol.Date=datetime(yr,1,tEnersol.Dia); % and create a date column
hB=plot(tEnersol.Date,tEnersol.Rad, '.r'); hold on % plot against actual date
% xticks(0:50:365);
hAx=gca; % get axes handle...
xlim([datetime(2014,1,1) datetime(2014,12,12)]) % set limit to cover the full year
hAx.XAxis.TickLabelFormat='MMM'; % show day of MONTH
% xticklabels(cellstr(tEnersol.Date(xticks))) % use the date string as tick labels
hAx.XTickLabelRotation=45; % rotate so can have chance to read...
xlabel('Mes del año, TMYS'), ylabel('Irradiación solar [KWh/m^2]');
%irradiancia solar
%el archivo es solar
% x =(1:365);
% a1 = 1041
% b1 = 0.005075
% c1 = 0.7184
% w = a1*sin(b1*x+c1)
% D = datetime(yr, 1, x);
% plot(D, w, '.-b')

Best Answer

See the datetime documentation for: Date and Time from Text in Foreign Language and 'Locale' under Name-Value Pair Arguments. Use: 'Locale','es_ES'