MATLAB: Is a MATLAB figure sized incorrectly and placed in the wrong location


I am trying to create a figure, using the following code:
figure('Units', 'pixels', 'Position', [0 0 900 1300])
This code will create a figure larger than my screen size. However, after executing the code, the figure is not in the proper location. In MATLAB 6.5, the actual Position of the figure is [0, 500, 900, 800], so it is smaller than intended and the bottom of the figure is in the middle of the screen.
In MATLAB 7.0, the Position value returned is [0, -504, 900, 1300], so it is now sized properly, but the bottom of the figure is below the bottom edge of the screen. If I then try to set the Position so that the figure is at the bottom of the screen:
set(gcf,'Position',[0 0 900 1300])
then the figure's bottom edge is located in the middle of the screen.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 SP1 (R14SP1).
For previous releases, there are no workarounds.