MATLAB: Is a MATLAB client unable to connect to remote JobManager in Parallel Computing Toolbox 4.0 (R2008b)

hostnamejobmanagerMATLAB Parallel ServermdcsParallel Computing Toolboxpct

When I run the code below:
sched = findResource('jobmanager','LookupURL','')
I receive the following error:
Warning: Could not contact a job manager lookup process using the lookupURL
''. Possible reasons for this problem are:
1. The job manager process has not been started, has crashed, or
has been shut down.
2. A firewall is blocking communication between this computer and the
job manager.
3. This computer cannot resolve the hostname of the job manager computer, or
it resolves it to an incorrect IP address.
4. The job manager computer resolves its own hostname to an incorrect IP
5. Network routers are unable to route traffic from this computer to
the job manager.
The hostname in the lookupURL,, corresponds to the fully
qualified hostname, and this computer
resolves it to the IP address
> In findResource>iCreateAccessor at 340
In findResource>iFindJobManagers at 191
In findResource>iFindScheduler at 294
In findResource at 162
sched =
I am wondering how I can resolve this issue.

Best Answer

Documentation on adding domain name to hostname is missing from Parallel Computing Toolbox 4.0 (R2008b) product and manual.
Here is additional information on this which would help resolving in the above error:
This issue can be resolved by adding the domain name to HOSTNAME in the (mdce.bat on Windows platforms) file. For example, modify the line starting with HOSTNAME in the file to read something siimlar as below:
The file is stored in $MATLABROOT\toolbox\distcomp\bin\, where $MATLABROOT is to be replaced with the path obtained on typing following at the command prompt: