MATLAB: Is a key of the Data Acquisition toolbox getting checked out at MATLAB R14SP2 startup

Data Acquisition ToolboxMATLAB

When I start MATLAB, I receive a "License Manager Error -4" in the MATLAB Command Window for the Data Acquisition Toolbox. In subsequent MATLAB sessions, I no longer receive this error, but the command 'license inuse' shows that Data Acquisition and MATLAB licenses are checked out.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This issue has been resolved in future releases. For R14SP2 and earlier, the workaround is to edit the prefspanel.m file. Please follow the instructions below:
- Open the prefspanel.m file in text editor. The file is located at $MATLAB/toolbox/daq/daq/
- Comment out line #79 where it says "daqhwinfo('parallel');"
NOTE: commenting out this line will have no impact on MATLAB.