MATLAB: Is 2010a version compatible with 2019b version


I'm going to use new version of Mathlab 2019b, but I want to be sure if all routines/codes in Mathlab 2010a can be run in this new version and in the opposite way.
Thank you very much!

Best Answer

No, Matlab R2010a and 2019a are not 100% compatible. Of course they are not backward compatible: R2019a uses the modern string type and e.g. double quotes to define strings, which have been forbidden in R2010a. In addition in R2014a the new HG2 graphics system has been introduced, which define graphic handles as new object instead of using the old double handles, which have been prone to bugs.
Many new functions have been added to the toolboxes and some old function are not working anymore or at least show a warning, e.g. dataread, histc, ...
The only way to check the compatibility is to start the unit-test functions for all of your functions, which check the results for valid inputs and the errors for invalid inputs. If all your toolbox function or subfunctions have been tested successfully, an integration test for the GUIs and the complete program will give the next statement about the compatibility. Finally you get even more secure, if you read all the documets in the Release history, which mention many changed, but not all.
If you do not have automatic unit-tests or integration tests for the software, any assumption about the compatibility is guessing only. You cannot be sure even, that the code works reliably at all.