MATLAB: Invisible graphics objects are selectable


I have a plot with a legend so large it covers up some of the data. I thought it would be a good idea to add a keyboard function to hide the legend, so the user can temporarily hide the legend and interrogate the data (e.g. using the Data Cursor).
However, setting the legend "Visible" property to "off" still allows it to be selected. You can't click on plot lines because the invisible legend is covering them up.
L.Position = [.05 .05 .9 .9];
%Now try using the Data Cursor to select some data
Surely this can't be the intended behavior? I looked through the documentation for legend properties but could not find any anything that suggested this behavior could be changed.
I have some ideas for a work-around for the current application (When setting Visible='off', copy the Position property to UserData and set the Position to [-1 -1 0 0]. When setting Visible='on', set Position back to the original value).
However, this seems pretty basic so I don't want to waste time on a work-around. Am I missing something?

Best Answer

You could use uistack to move the legend behind everything else, and then move it back to the front afterward. I have not tried this, but it might work.