MATLAB: Inverse z-Transform

inverse z transformSymbolic Math Toolbox

I'm trying to compute the inverse Z-transform of and expecting to obtain as result.
Here is the code I'm using:
syms z n x(n) X(z)
assume(n>=0 & in(n,'integer'));
X(z) = ztrans(x)
y = iztrans(X/z)
The answer I get is (same result using simplify):
Where am I wrong ?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You are using syms function to create the functions x(n) and X(z). When you go through the documentation of syms function, you can find that you are just creating symbols for the functions, but not defining or assigning them to any symbolic expressions. This might be the reason why you are not getting the expected result.
The ztrans function is not calculating the z-transform of the function x(n) because it is not defined, or it is abstract.
You may use the following link to refer about creation of symbolic functions using syms function