MATLAB: Inverse matrix in mexFunction


void inverseMatrix(int dim, double *matrix, double *invMatrix)
// matrix and invMatrix are columnwise.
int *IPIV, LWORK, INFO, i;
double *WORK;
mexPrintf("entered inverseMatrix");
IPIV = mxMalloc((dim+1)*sizeof(int));
LWORK = dim*dim;
WORK = mxMalloc(LWORK*sizeof(double));
for (i=0;i<dim*dim;i++){
invMatrix[i] = matrix[i];
mexPrintf("before dgetrf");
dgetrf(&dim, &dim, invMatrix, &dim, IPIV, &INFO);
mexPrintf("before dgetri");
dgetri(&dim, invMatrix, &dim, IPIV, WORK, &LWORK, &INFO);
I am trying to use dgetrf and dgetri to inverse a matrix in C but Matlab crashes after successfully giving the correct answer 2 times (I did an interation to try the stability of the c code).

Best Answer

The copy of the data to the output would be faster using memcpy:
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(outputRowLen, outputColLen, mxREAL);
memcpy(mxGetPr(plhs[0]), Sigma_Psi_inv_t,
outputRowLen*outputColLen * sizeof(double));
But you can use the data of the output array directly:
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(rowSigma_Psi, colSigma_Psi, mxREAL);
mexPrintf("entering inverseMatrix");
inverseMatrix(rowSigma_Psi, arraySigma_Psi, mxGetPr(plhs[0]));
Do not use int for LAPACK calls in an 64 bit environment. Use mwSignedIndex instead, which is a 64 bit integer.