MATLAB: Inverse fourier transform Imginary Components

complex numbersfourier domain

When I take an image and do fft on it in Matlab it produces a complex matrix. If I take the ifft of that image, it produces a double array. When doing the ifft, does matlab discard the imaginary component of the image, if any?

Best Answer

When you have a set of fourier coefficients that are in complex conjugates pairs, then the result of the inverse fourier is always real-valued; see here for one
It is not a matter of discarding any complex part: it is that the result of the inverse transformation you did had only 0's for the complex part, and MATLAB automatically leaves out an all-0 complex part.
If you had done an inverse fft of coefficients that did not have the complex-conjugate symmetries then the result would have been something that had non-zero complex parts.
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